This Country Deserves Better

You don’t need a crystal ball to predict the end of Rishi Sunak’s inept administration. The polls have been devasting for the Conservative party for some time. In February this year Ipsos reported only 20% intended to vote Conservative at the next General Election. That is a devastating indictment of the party that did so well in the 2019 election.

Sunak’s government continues to push the Rwanda Bill through Parliament, knowing full well it is against the European Convention on Human Rights. The cost of deporting an individual to a third country could be as much as £200k. I’ve seen estimates that put the figure much higher.

What I find the most baffling about the attempts to trample over human rights laws is that some people support it, i.e. support the government breaking the law, and most puzzling, the removal of their own human rights, for that is the end result. It isn’t just some strangers on a boat who lose those rights, it’s everyone. I don’t want to lose my rights, why would you?

In the run-up to the local elections in May, Rishi Sunak is in a forlorn battle to save his party from itself, or oblivion, take your pick. According to the Institute for Government, 62 Conservative MP’s have indicated they will not be standing at the next election. Talk about rats abandoning a sinking ship.

Of 22 by-elections fought since the 2019 General Election, the Tory’s have won/gained just four. That must be some kind of record. It’s not exactly a ringing endorsement from the electorate who placed their trust in Boris Johnson to get ‘Brexit Done’ in his only General Election win.

Since 2010 when the Liberal Democrats propped up the Conservative Party in a coalition, this country has gone through a lot. Those same LibDems who proposed the abolition of tuition fees, then inexplicably advocated for a trebling of such costs to students. This should have been a wake-up call to us all that this newly elected government couldn’t be trusted.

The chosen path for growth and getting our house in order was austerity. It should be noted that austerity was a choice and not a fait accompli. This choice has seen public services routed!

Food Bank usage is a pointer as to how well a government is doing. Let’s look at that. In 2023, according to Statista there are nearly 3million people using food banks (in 2010 there were 61,468). In a so-called G7 country I’d say that was a disgrace!

Another indicator of how a government is doing is the country’s poverty levels. According the theJoseph Rowntree Foundation, 4.2million children are living in poverty. How on earth can ministers claim their policies are working with numbers like these? It beggars belief!

The discredited EU Referendum saw a 35.7% of the actual registered electorate vote to leave the European Union. Not exactly a ringing endorsement, but one that the fractured Tory party ran with. The Electoral Commission actually found that Vote Leave broke the law. Something we have become used to since the Brexit debacle that runs and runs. It’s not surprising that Statista have now found that 56% of people think it was wrong to leave the EU. The Brexit story is not going to stop running, not matter what people like Johnson want. With the ability to renegotiate the terms of the trade deal coming in 2025, the two sides of the Brexit divide will be sharpening their tongues. Amazingly, in Boris Johnson we had a Prime Minister who didn’t know what the Customs Union was. Let’s hope in 2025 we do.

In fact, the withdrawal from the EU left us without an effective trade deal with the USA, our so-called staunchest ally. Neither country envisages a full trade agreement in future.

Since 2010, we have had five Tory Prime Ministers. four were foisted on the electorate at the whim of the Conservative Party. Only Cameron and subsequently, Johnson & May, were elected at the ballot box. This is a foolhardy way to appoint Prime Ministers. It’s high-time a change in the appointment of Prime Minister was made. And I would advocate a new ballot within twelve months of a new leader being nominated by a governing party. (Let’s not forget, Labour did the same thing in changing Blair for Brown.)

We should not forget either that we had a Prime Minister who partied in Downing Street (and lied about it) while people died. We also had a Chancellor (now Prime Minister) who also partied. Both broke the law and were fined.

Further embarrassment is the PPE scandal during the covid era. Preferred people put in VIP Lanes getting millions for contracts. This story is likely to run for a long time.

Johnson’s time in Downing Street ended not because of that though, it was because he was proven to have lied about the Chris Pincher affair. If ever a man left Downing Street in disgrace, it was him. I possess a satisfaction that I wasn’t drawn in by him, as so many were.

Following Johnson, did anything get better for the Tory’s or the country? Of course not. They brandished their joker in the pack: Liz Truss. After 44 days in office, not much time to unpack her make-up bag, but enough time to pick out a special lectern, she was on her way. The Truss/Kwarteng budget reportedly cost the country £30billion. (Just think how many nurses or doctors that could employ.) Now she’s doing the rounds in the USA on the Trump circuit! Yippee for her!

And now we find the governing party under Sunak is embroiled in a racism scandal involving a major donor. They will take money from anyone.

For the country, it’s been a never ending nightmare. The Party and its leaders have pulled the plug on this country. They have absolutely no shame. They will fight the local elections on a prospectus of fear. ‘You can’t vote for the opposition because blah blah blah’. And we know what will happen. Many people will fall for it because they are natural Tory supporters, and they will be suckered into the lies they pedal.

It’s my view this country deserves better. Vote for anyone but the shower that resides in Downing Street!

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Happy reading,
A.P. Grozdanovic

This post was originally written and uploaded: 3 February 2019